Started October out with a solid comic book haul, consisting of four Marvel omnibusses:
- Punisher Max by Jason Aaron & Steve Dillon Omnibus
- The Avengers by Kurt Busiek & George Pérez Omnibus Volume 1
- X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Omnibus Companion
- Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko Omnibus Volume 1
This is my first time ordering from UK comic shop: Reed Comics. I had that nice little shop recommended by a friend of mine.
I usually don’t make such big hauls but I wanted to make the most out of the shipping cost, and decided to pick some more things from my wish-list (which is growing quite large). I’ve always wanted to get the X-Men Age of Apocalypse Companion Omnibus. It just looks so nice on the shelf next to the main omnibus. As for Punisher Max, The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 and Avengers Vol. 1, well, I wanted to pick those up before they go OOP (out of print). The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 Omnibus is already OOP, and I have a strong feeling that the others will follow it in the near future.
Anyways, the packaging was extremely nice. Reed Comics did a great job with that. I made a video of me unboxing the package below. Check it out!
Reed Comics comes with my highest recommendations. They are a very service-minded and efficient shop. Despite the fact I live in a different country they made sure that I had my books within only a few days of putting down my order.
This is my first big haul of the month, but I already got more stuff coming. So stay tuned!
Nice haul.
Are you gonna do a review of the books in the future?
Thank you! Yes, I am going to do a video to recap all my acquisitions from October. ETA: This weekend.