In case you are still totally hyped up about the new Blade Runner movie, I thought I’d just be sure to share this here as well. I made this video a while back. It features my new Blade Runner blaster replica. It’s made by Tomenosuke who have specialized in re-creating this iconic piece of film history. Check out my video right here!
I’ll post a bunch of photos at a later time. Stay tuned!
Hej der… kan du sige mig hvor man kan købe denne fantastiske blaster og hvad koster den? Mvh Jesper
Ps. fantastisk film
Hej Jesper. Du må meget undskylde mit manglende svar. Måske jeg har svaret på en anden kanal allerede.
Man kan vist nok i dag stadig købe den hos Hollywood Collectibles Group.
Mvh Christian
Dear Mr. Christian
I’m Andrew from Italy, congratulations for your collection! it’s amazing.
I would like to ask you a help, I’m searching the BLASTER 2049 by Tomenosuke everywhere.. but cant’t find.
I would like to buy this item, i’m an Airsoft player.
could you kindly give me some advice ?
thank you so much
Hi Andrew. I am sorry for the very late reply.
If this is still relevant, I suggest that you look over at Hollywood Collectibles Group. They should have a version of the Tomenosuke blaster for sale.
Kind regards,
Thanks for posting your videos, could you tell me where to buy Blade Runner blasters? Especially the last one I’ve seen, Tomenosuke World with Edition Blaster – The Blade Runner Blaster.
I searched the Internet but I did not find much.
Thanks again for the information.
Hi Emilio. I am sorry for the very late reply.
I think you can still buy them via Hollywood Collectibles Group. In the US.
They don’t offer the Worldcon edition since it was very limited. But it’s still the same blaster.
Kind regards,